We hardly find men who like going shopping or talking about fashion, they just ignore clothes, magazines, blogs and catwalks. Well, this is what almost all of women tend to think about them and their relation with fashion, but is it actually true? Fortunately not! In the same way that we find women who do not like fashion (more less than more!), we do find men who like fashion. And, are these types of men known by their good taste regarding clothes? Yes, of course! However, any men can become a gorgeous fashion icon if he finds what makes him totally special from others.
This special aspect every men has could be anything, from his love for art to his love for 50s films. He can maybe love basketball or he maybe likes rock'n'roll, and these passions are what make them dress in a special way. However, this special aspect could also be a feature of his personality, this way he will be more or less daring to wear certain kind of clothes. Then, all these personal aspects make men different from one to another, and make their styles different as well. And, after all, that is what Fashion means, and, as you know, it depends on you, not in others.
It is true that men clothes are often the same, they do not change so much among the different seasons. We can say that not all kinds of clothes are appropriate for them (skirts, dresses..., it would be pretty strange without doubt!), for this reason there is not a big variety of clothes at all. But that is not a problem for them, at least for some of them, who decide that the best option is innovating as much as they can. And, as you can guess, imagination is the key.
Following the example of those innovative men, I have found some photos of some gorgeous men who are not afraid of express themselves with amazing clothes, creating really nice outfits. As I have said, all men have something special to transmit with their clothes, and all of these men really have it, all of them have the special aspect I have mentioned at the beginning, and all of them are (consciously or not) "fashion", or better of, cool.
So, although they have less possibilities to play with clothes, we cannot deny that they are very creative, even more than some women. And they are as capable as we are to impress with their brilliant outfits; because their are part of the Fashion World, after all.
Es complicado encontrar hombres a los que les guste ir de compras o hablar de moda, simplemente parecen olvidar la existencia de revistas, blogs y semanas de la moda. Al menos, eso es lo que la mayoría de las mujeres pensamos sobre ellos y su estrecha relacion con este mundo, pero ¿es esto cierto del todo? Afortunadamente, no. De la misma forma que encontramos mujeres a las que no les gusta nada la moda (admitámoslo, más bien pocas), también es posible encontrar hombres a los que sí que les apasione este mundo. Y, entonces ¿es de suponer que estos hombres vestirán perfectos todo el tiempo? Sí, claro. Sin embargo, no hay que ser un enorme fan de la ropa y de las pasarelas para llegar a ser un gran icono de la moda siempre y cuando ese hombre encuentre aquello que lo hace especial.
Ese aquello que todo hombre tiene puede ser cualquier cosa, desde su amor por el arte como su pasión por las películas de los 50. Quizás adore el baloncesto o el rock'n'roll, siendo estas pasiones las que le inspiren en cuanto a vestir de una forma u otra. Pero, ese algo especial también puede ser un aspecto de su personalidad, lo que le hará atreverse más o menos con la ropa y la forma de llevarla. Así que son estos pequeños detalles los que les hacen diferentes los unos de los otros, haciendo, de la misma manera, distintos sus estilismos. Porque, después de todo, es eso lo que significa la moda, y, como ya sabrás, ésta depende de ti, no de los demás.
Apesar de todo, es cierto que la ropa masculina es menos dada a cambios, normalmente el tipo de prendas son las mismas una temporada que otra. Esto de debe a que no todos los tipos de cortes son apropiados para ellos (piensa en faldas o vestidos, no serían muy adecuados, desde luego), por eso no hay gran variedad de prendas. Pero esto no presenta ningún problema para nuestros hombres, al menos para algunos, que deciden que lo mejor es utilizar sus innovadoras ideas para sorprendernos. Y, como podrás imaginar, la imaginación es la clave.
Siguiendo el ejemplo de estos imaginativos hombres, he encontrado algunas fotos de hombres increibles que no han tenido miedo de expresarse através de su maravillosa ropa, creando conjuntos realmente geniales. Como ya he mencionado antes, todos los hombres tienen algo especial que trasmitir por medio de la ropa, y todos estos ejemplos han sabido demostrarlo, ya que, como puedes ver, todos ellos son (conscientes o no) "fashion", o mejor dicho, atrevidos.
Así que, a pesar de que ellos parecen tener menos posibilidades para jugar con las combinaciones de ropa, no podemos negar que son de lo más creativo, incluso más que algunas mujeres. Además, son tan capaces como nosotras de impresionar con conjuntos brillantes; porque ellos también forman parte de la moda después de todo.

special thanks to StockhomStreetStyle, The Sartorialist for the photos
Unos looks increibles!!
Hottest guys in one place. WOW. Love your blog.
Come visit me
Karoline Kalvo
Que estilazo tienen los de las fotos que has puesto ^^
Cierto!! Son geniales ;)
I love the way you write because of that I try to write some words for you. This article or post, it's very interesting because it talks about men and you know that this is our favourite topic. I think that men don't think about fashion, in general. In my opinion, the reason is that they think that it must be a female obssesion with clothes and they don't think that wearing clothes is the way to improve or express our imagination, like you said. I love it and I hope you continue writing and if I have some mistakes on my writing, you have to tell me to improve my English, ok?
Thanks for your lovely comment!! You're rigth in all your reflexion about boys and fashion, they should make a little effort!!
ps: no mistakes!! XD
Yes we LOVE men who loves fashion!! and music boys too!<3 great blog :) im following!
Great blog!! I love it so much!!
This is so true, I think men have it hard when it comes to fashion - they have less option than women and so they have to work harder to be more creative. No wonder most of them just give up! Haha. I really like this :)
Natalie Herrera x
Just a Thought
In the first picture the twins are portuguese male models eheh :)
Kiss from portugal,
I am a new follower :)
Hi! in your first photo there are two portuguese male models! THe twins :) We love male models <3
Following you from Portugal...
Ha, love this post. I do love a stylish man
Menudo estilazo se gastan estos chicos, le voy a decir a mi chico que se tiene que poner las pilas.. jeje
oh jes i love them:))like to follow esch ither?kisses La Folie
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